• B Well
  • B Well
  • B well

B Well

Every horse should be well

Product Overview

B Well is a B Group vitamin supplement containing essential B group vitamins and folic acid which are essential for energy production, efficient feed utilization and blood cell formation. These B group vitamins are water soluble and not stored in the body and lack of B Vitamins can result in poor performance.

For maximum benefit B Well should be fed daily on a week on week off cycle that is fed for seven days, none for the next seven days and then repeat, this pulse feed system really delivers results.

Why Choose B Well?

  • Aids digestive system and the utilisation of feed.
  • Stimulates a healthy appetite when travelling or when your horse is super fit and not eating.
  • Ideal for consistent fertility in mares and aiding foal development.
  • Used by race horse trainers to keep their horses eating when they really need to.

Horseman's Tips

"Use B Well to promote healthy appetite when your horse is not eating as much as it should."

Available Sizes & Feeding Days

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Key ingredients per serving
Vitamin E 6000mg/ltr
Folic Acid 800mg/ltr
Vitamin B6 450mg/ltr
Vitamin B1 350mg/ltr
Vitamin B2 300mg/ltr
Vitamin B12 2.50mg/ltr
Feed on a week on week off cycle.

  • Horses: Add 25ml to feed daily.
  • Mares: Add 20ml to feed daily.
  • Foals: Add 10ml to feed daily.

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Endorsed by the World's Best