• Heavy Sweat
  • Heavy Sweat
  • Heavy Sweat
  • Heavy Sweat

Heavy Sweat

Put back what sweat takes out

Product Overview

Heavy Sweat is formulated to replace salts lost during exercise. Our balanced electrolyte supplement is the easy way to ensure horses are not lacking in these vital salts and to effectively replenish and hydrate your horse. Horses can lose salts even if they don't show outward signs of sweating, especially in hot humid weather, travelling, or when they are not fully fit, nervous or agitated.

Why Choose Heavy Sweat?

  • Vital for stamina and recovery after exercise.
  • Reduces muscle fatigue.
  • Free from glucose and fillers.

Horseman's Tips

"The pinch test: Pull out a pinch of skin on your horse's neck or shoulder and notice how quickly it springs back. If the skin returns quickly into place, the horse is fine. If the skin remains elevated for more than a few seconds, it is moderately dehydrated. The longer the skin remains elevated, the more dehydrated the horse."

Available Sizes & Feeding Days

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Pure body salts
Chloride 37%
Sodium 25%
Potassium 13%
Magnesium 1%

Mix into damp feed:
Feed according to the degree of work, horses often lose more fluid than is obvious.

  • After moderate work: Add one 50g scoop to feed daily.
  • After intense work: Add two 50g scoops to feed daily.

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